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What is Up with the Mayan calendar's abrupt ending?

Mayan Calendar

When it came to mathematics, time and calendars, the Maya were geniuses. Believing that time repeated itself in cycles, they devised two calendars, one ritualistic, which was used for religious celebrations and astrological predictions, and the other a solar calendar. Both calendars were based on the calculation that a year had a little more than 365 days, a more precise system than the Gregorian calendar. Following the movement of the sun, moon and stars with such accuracy, the Maya were able to predict such mystifying phenomena as eclipses and the Spring and Autumn equinoxes.

The Maya kept time with a combination of several cycles that meshed together to mark the movement of the sun, moon and Venus. Their ritual calendar, known as the Tzolkin, was composed of 260 days. It pairs the numbers from 1 through 13 with a sequence of 20 day-names. It works something like our days of the week pairing with the numbers of the month. Thus you might have 1-Imix (similar to Sunday the 1st) followed by 2-Ik (just as you would have Monday the 2nd). When you get to 13-Ben, the next day would start the numbers over again, thus 1-Ix, 2-Men etc. It will take 260 days before the cycle gets back to 1-Imix again (13 x 20).*
*FYI: The meaning of 13 and 20 in the Sacred Tarot:
13 is "death/transformation to a higher plane"
20 is "Awakening/Judgement Day"

The 20 day-names, meaning and symbol can vary in different Maya languages. Also, each day can be represented with more elaborate glyphs known as "Head Variants" - a formal writing system which can be loosely compared to our script alphabet versus our print alphabet. The Tzolkin calendar was meshed with a 365-day solar cycle called the "Haab". The calendar consisted of 18 months with 20 days (numbered 0-19) and a short "month" of only 5 days that was called the Wayeb and was considered to be a dangerous time. It took 52 years for the Tzolkin and Haab calendars to move through a complete cycle.

These are the Mayan words for periods of time:

Day = Kin (keen)
Month of 20 days = Uinal (wee nal)
Year of 360 days = Tun (toon)
20 Tuns = K'atun (k' ah toon)
20 K'atuns = Baktun (bock toon)

If you would like to convert a date to the Maya calendar, go to the Rabbit on the Moon Web site at

Maya Astronomy

The Maya were quite accomplished astronomers. Their primary interest, in contrast to "western" astronomers, were Zenial Passages when the Sun crossed over the Maya latitudes. On an annual basis the sun travels to its summer solstice point, or the latitude of 23-1/3 degrees north.

Most of the Maya cities were located south of this latitude, meaning that they could observe the sun directly overhead during the time that the sun was passing over their latitude. This happened twice a year, evenly spaced around the day of solstice.

The Maya could easily determine these dates, because at local noon, they cast no shadow. Zenial passage observations are possible only in the Tropics and were quite unknown to the Spanish conquistadors who descended upon the Yucatan peninsula in the 16th century. The Maya had a god to represented this position of the Sun called the Diving God.
End of the Mayan Great Cycle: December 21st, 2012 A.D.

Scholars today are recognizing that Mayan mythology is intimately related to the celestial movements of stars, the Milky Way and certain constellations. The sources of Mayan mythology are found in the sky, and the timetable of Creation Day is pinpointed by the end date of the Mayan Great Cycle. My research into the nature of this date reveals that a rare celestial alignment culminates on it. Generally speaking, what occurs is an alignment between the galactic and solar planes. Specifically, the winter solstice sun will conjunct the Milky Way, which is the edge of our spinning galaxy as viewed from earth. Furthermore, the place where the sun meets the Milky Way is where the "dark-rift" in the Milky Way is - a black ridge along the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds (See Diagram 1).

Diagram 1: [Image: 54041444_731a34242c_m.jpg]
The sky on December 21st, 2012 A.D.
showing a rare astronomical alignment -
the winter solstice sun is right in the
"dark rift" in the Milky Way.

This is a feature of the Milky Way anyone can see on a clear midsummer's night, away from the light pollution of industrial society. At dawn on the winter solstice of A.D. 2012, the sun will be right in this dark-rift, and the orientation is such that the Milky Way rims the horizon at all points around. Thus, the Milky Way "sits" on the earth, touching it at all points around, opening up the cosmic sky portal. The galactic and solar planes are thus aligned. "Sky portal" is just a term to describe the "opened sky" scenario apparent when the Milky Way rims the horizon. This is not to be confused with the "dark-rift" itself.

In Mayan myth, the winter solstice sun corresponds to the deity One Hunahpu, also known as First Father. The Mayan Sacred Book, the Popol Vuh, is all about setting the stage so that the Hero Twins' father (One Hunahpu) can be reborn, thus beginning a new World Age. The dark rift has many mythic identities: it is the Black Road; it is the xibalba be (the Road to the Underworld); it is a crevice in the branches of the cosmic tree (the Milky Way); it is the mouth of the Cosmic Monster (often portrayed as a frog, jaguar or snake with tree-like features); it is the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother.

Overall, the dark-rift is best understood as the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother, who we may call First Mother, to complement First Father. In this way we can trace how these various metaphors are found in Mayan Creation Mythology. And the date of this alignment is, again, the end date of the 13-baktun Great Cycle - a cycle of approximately 5125 years. This all suggests that the ancient Maya were aware of the impending alignment and considered it to be of such importance to be a major transition point, the Creation of a new World Age. In mythological terms, this event is about the union of First Father with First Mother or, more accurately, the birth of First Father (the winter solstice sun - the new World Age ruler) from First Mother (the dark-rift in the Milky Way). The headline appropriate for the upcoming event is: "Cosmic Mother Gives Birth to The First God."
World Ages: The Future, Millennial or Mayan?

The slow process by which the winter solstice sun comes to conjoin the dark-rift in the Milky Way is a function of a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. This involves the slow wobbling of the earth's axis, which causes the stellar frame to slowly shift. To observers on earth, it causes the position of the winter solstice sun to slowly move in relation to celestial background features such as the Milky Way. A full cycle is completed in roughly 26,000 years. Approximately 2100 years ago, when both the Long Count calendar and the Popol Vuh were devised by the early Maya, the dark-rift in the Milky Way could be observed some 30 degrees above the dawning winter solstice sun (See Diagram 2).

Diagram 2:
[Image: 54041445_e943435056_m.jpg]
Winter solstice sunrise from the early
Mayan site of Izapa, 50 B.C. Notice
the dark rift in the Milky Way, the
celestial birth canal of Cosmic
Mother, some 30 degrees
above the rising sun.

When these early skywatchers discovered precession, they realized that every winter solstice the cosmic birth canal was moving closer and closer to the dawning sun. The winter solstice sun was called the First Sun, the First Lord or First Father, because it is the first day of the year, the beginning of the sun's annual rebirth into increasing daylight. They calibrated the process, and fixed their Creation Mythology to the future alignment as described. Monuments from the early Mayan site of Izapa clearly portray, by way of mythological iconography, the anticipated astronomical alignment of the Long Count end date (See Diagram 3).

Diagram 3:
[Image: aV4bDfDr.jpg]
Stela 11 from Izapa shows Cosmic Father
in the "mouth" of Cosmic Mother, the
"dark rift" or "birth canal" in the
Milky Way. This is an image of
the celestial alignment which
culminates in A.D. 2012.

Based upon these simple facts, ancient skywatchers in Mesoamerica were apparently aware of a subtle celestial process, the precession of the equinoxes. Knowledge of that process, and the fact that a major alignment in that process culminates at the end of their Great Cycle, strongly suggest a cosmological understanding which modern scholars have yet to explore. Understanding this aspect of Mayan astronomy may help us understand our own impending millennial milestone. What is going on in the world today? Is an alignment of the planets and stars having some kind of influence? The cycle of the equinoxes is primarily an earth rhythm. Whether we call it Mayan or millennial, we are living today in the shadows of a rare celestial juncture. The Mayan myth seems to remind us that all life springs from the Great Mother. The transformation of cosmic recreation is already occurring. Perhaps we should look closely at this celestial alignment, imagine its meanings, and determine what this transformational shift means for future humanity. For the ancient Maya, on the far-future Creation Day which for us arrives soon, First Mother and First Father join forces to engender a new World Age.
i like this cause its easy to prove if its right or wrong; just wait till December 21st, 2012 and we will see. i hope the end is not coming so soon though.

this week a christian guy jumped of a building, committing suicide. the reason: he believe jesus will come soon to punish all the "bad people" and all the good ones (like him) should die before it happens, so he just wanted to make sure that he dies before jesus comes. a week before that a European guy (Swedish i think) came to israel the holy land with his small son and in the airport he jumped on the railway and threw his kid with him for the same reasons. the father died but the kid somehow survived.

i hope Armageddon is not coming that soon, its in five years from now by this calendar.

i still dont believe it though, but we will wait and see.

"i like this cause its easy to prove if its right or wrong; just wait till December 21st, 2012 and we will see. i hope the end is not coming so soon though."

Slow down there! That's my birthday!

In all seriousness though, the whole waiting for the end of the world thing is a cop out to me, just much as it was for that loon Christian who jumped off the building. Neither solve anything. You can't just sit and wait, or take yourself out when there are positive, and constructive things that you could do.

The thing is, one way or another, we'll either kill each other off the face of the planet, or nature will run it's course till we're extinct (or the sun blows up).

The Mayans were fatalists, and maybe had a good read on human nature. However, I don't buy the whole "The world's gonna end on THIS SPECIFIC DATE!" Give me a break! The only way anyone could foresee that is a couple days ahead of time, and because they designed it to be that way (Considering how we have the power to blow this place to nothing these days).
"Perhaps we should look closely at this celestial alignment, imagine its meanings, and determine what this transformational shift means for future humanity. For the ancient Maya, on the far-future Creation Day which for us arrives soon, First Mother and First Father join forces to engender a new World Age. "

to me, ^ that doesn't sound like an end to life.
Once again, I don't read the whole thing and stick my foot into my mouth.
there was a show called Sightings that had a guy on there from a University in Hawaii.
He said, the I Ching has an ending, then things begin again.
He said he thinks the Mayan calendar is the same way.
the big question is, what is going to be the change?
Will a space ship come thru the rift?
will it be a new planet?

I think the best thing would be for it to beome Undeniable to Everyone Man is Not the center of the Universe.
That fact would topple some religions.
I equate it with the days before we knew the world is round.

Just maybe there will be such a shift in thinking it will cause all the religions of the world
to have to expand or collapse.

the Religion of the Stars says:

examine your belief system by asking}

"How well does it serve to futher All Life in the Entire Universe?"
Frankybonz Wrote:Once again, I don't read the whole thing and stick my foot into my mouth.

preprogrammed? you and northfork?

some think the end of the calendar is synonymous with the end of time.

I think it is a new start of some kind
the Religion of the Stars says:

examine your belief system by asking}

"How well does it serve to futher All Life in the Entire Universe?"

That's pretty deep. The answer is simple if you know what you believe in.
The question is asking, if there is a goal in continuing life. In the distant future? Who knows? It's the same as asking "What is life all about?" Today, my thought would be, I'm here, I'm alive, and I will do something with that because I can.
How well does it serve to futher All Life in the Entire Universe { is asking us to value All Life Everywhere Equally = not to put some lives above others.
as far as a goal for continuing life? as long as there is one :guinness: left to be drank :yum:
the goal of life..
thats something everyone expects an exotic answer to, but the real answer is that there is no such thing as goal, for to have a goal you need a start and ending where you wish to have your goal fulfilled.
life doesnt have start and end. we invented this concept. ann you said maybe a new start is a new planet. for the "universe" there is no such thing as a planet, there is no difference between one atom floating alone in the empty space or other plane like mars. we just define the difference as we define the "end of the world".
the reason living things try to live on (animals killing to survive) is that if it wasnt this way you wont be seeing life here! imagine some living thing millions of years ago with no instinct to survive it would have instinct short after it evolved.
our need to survive is from our evolution process.. there is no such thing as the goal of life. we live for no reason , we live because we are simply alive.

i think the answers to the most complicated questions are very simple answers.
we just dig too deep instead of looking at the horizon.

as usual, I totally disagree.
I define "goal" as wanting something and going for it.
I am glad I have some imagination or I'd be trying to die.
northfork Wrote:ann you said maybe a new start is a new planet. for the "universe" there is no such thing as a planet, there is no difference between one atom floating alone in the empty space or other plane like mars. we just define the difference as we define the "end of the world".
I can't agree with any of this.
I'd rather be lost in my "delusions" than locked up with your view of things.
what would be the fun of living if all my thoughts were so barren!
.. arguing about "particles" and "planets" PULeez!
ya know the old line: "never look a gift horse in the mouth" ?
You'd not only look in it's mouth, you'd have it killed and dissect it.
I hope the new calendar will be a good/great change { All of us need that!
Brinkley said, "soon it will be undeniable to everyone we are not alone in space."
something coming thru this "portal" may be a space ship?
Religions are not helping to make peace.
The basis for some of them may fail in the face of a "Universal Deity"
I am one who hopes it will bring on changes similar to the changes
when the 'powers that be' finally had to face the fact the earth is not flat.

I'll hope for something great to come on that date; especially now that I know it is Frank's birthday! Smile

Northfork, because I have to live in this body that is subject to feeling things
I do try to make it as pleasant a ride as I can.
my goal is to keep my good times rolling.
from} when you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and Confusedwinging:

Annette, I cannot disagree with you on this one.

It's rather arrogant to decide that we're here on this planet for no reason. No one knows that for certain. We all go by what we choose to believe. Science it trying hard to disprove a higher being, or life after death, but they'll only hit a wall, same goes for the inverse. We live, and continue to live based on a hunch.

I have friends who are atheists, and while death is the only real thing to them, they continue to make the best of their lives.

If there is any purpose to life, the answer is in you. If you choose that it's pointless, fine. If you choose that it's to search the unknown for the benefit of others for centuries to come, that's fine too.

I personally have no idea what's going to happen to us at the end. Sure, I'd be happy to keep existing on some other plain of life, and go on for the next adventure, but I really don't know if that's going to be the case. If this is it, I have no say in the matter. There's nothing I can do to stop that. To keep going on, I can't be bothered by that.

To live with your goal being to just die is boring. Like Annette said with the "gift-horse" expression, you have life, use it! With so much to experience, and so much to do, it would be a shame to waste it on negative concepts like "none of this matters."
I want to add one more thing. If you think life is so unimportant and worthless, try greeting a terminally ill patient with that kind of talk. They know the day they are going to die, and they most likely will have a more positive outlook than someone who has their WHOLE life ahead of them.
northfork Wrote:

anne you said maybe a new start is a new planet. for the "universe" there is no such thing as a planet, there is no difference between one atom floating alone in the empty space or other plane like mars. we just define the difference as we define the "end of the world".

Northfork, You may beg to differ about that, if you get hit by one v.s the other.
Where will you be in 2012? [as in which country]
are you still coming here in a year?
well i hope i will, i am working now, making money and hopefully will have enough to leave..

northfork Wrote:well i hope i will, i am working now, making money and hopefully will have enough to leave..

Well .. it's been 5 years. you are working in Israel.
seems like everywhere there are people in the streets revolting against oppression.
What do you think now, about the end of the world?

all it will take is 1 earthquake too near the spent fuel pool in fuck-us-hima
it's propped up but for how long?
there's a hole in it you could drive a bus thru.
spend fuel is more deadly than what's melted out of the reactors
there is ø save a miracle between us and the end of all life as we know it

those bastards are burning the waste, sending it up into the air and polluting the entire planet, the sea, they are dumping it there too Sad

we need a miracle the size and scope of the 2d coming!
not even this guy can fix the nuclear nightmare that is underway: [attachment=544]


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